Tuesday, August 24, 2010

More fun facts about Chile (and other super fun lists)

Some of which I discovered on my trip to the grocery store today:

1. Notebooks only have graph paper. There are none with just regular lined paper.
2. You can't buy pencils unless it comes as a 'free gift' with something else. Only pens.
3. Eggs are not refrigerated.
4. Chileans do not have social security numbers. They have identification numbers that they use everywhere (i.e. at the grocery store)
5. The drinking age is 18
6. At discos (clubs) grinding is not a form of dance.

Things that bother me:
1. 5 year olds
2. communication problems
3. 5 year olds
4. The college campus. It has been likened unto a labyrinth.
5. Chilean coffee. Bleh.
6. 5 year olds
7. People who interfere with my naptime
8. You can't watch online episodes here. How do they know where I am??
9. The nightlife. No I don't want to go out at 12am that is my sleepy time.
10. 5 year olds

Things that I like about Valdivia:
1. Sea lions
2. Fish market
3. They have Starbursts (I may or may not have just inhaled a whole package so fast that my jaw hurts from chewing)
4. empanadas (While I haven't really had a good one yet, I know there's one out there.)
5. Rain

To be continued...


  1. so list 1, #6? super curious how we learned this fun fact at a grocery store? lol! list 2, #8- hahahaha. way to have empanadas back- i'm sure they appreciate your faith in them =)

  2. I said some I learned at the grocery store!!

  3. So the answer is no....If you have children someday your Mom and Dad will not take them when they turn 5, you cannot send them to boarding school and you cannot lock them in there bedroom until they are no longer 5. lol

  4. gee whiz tina- way to shatter lacey's dreams there. hahah
