Monday, June 27, 2011


Miss you!

3 Weeks!

I have really been failing at this everyday posting thing. In my defense...I have other stuff happening. But really I'm just lazy. I'm sooo excited for school to end (Chilean classes are almost done!) and to go hooome. It seems like I have forever to go and then like no time at all. 3 weeks...I can make it.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


More Kai Kai pictures? I think sooo!


So since Luke and I will be sharing a bathroom this coming year I've been tryyying to find a neutral shower curtain. Which turns out to be really difficult. Most shower curtains are like $50. Luckily I've had lotsa time and a need for a distraction so after months I've finally found one that we both agree on. Not that Luke was really interested in the subject. But I got him to say yes to this one. I'm excited! Don't judge me. I really need something else to focus on besides being a million miles away.
Thoughts? Opinions? Not that it'll change anything because I already ordered it...but still :)

Date Ideas!

Laura sent me this list of amazing date ideas! I want to try them!

Unusual (and fun!) Date Ideas

1. Go on a search for as many good climbing trees as possible, climb as high as you both can in all of them, compile photo evidence

2. Go to a major chain bookstore, and leave notes to future readers in copies of your favorite books.

3. Have her dressed up as a ghost and you dress up like Pacman. Walk around downtown holding hands, and whenever anyone sees you two, pretend to be embarrassed, and run off screaming "wocka wocka wocka."

4. Create photo evidence suggesting that you went on an adventure that didn't really happen.

5. Dress up as superheroes and stop at least one petty crime i.e. jaywalking, littering...

6. Build forts out of furniture and blankets, and wage war with paper airplanes

7. Try and visit as many people as you can in one night, and turn as many things inside their apartment upside down as you can, without them noticing.

8. Go to the airport, get the cheapest, soonest departing flight to anywhere when you show up and stay there for a weekend.

9. Write a piece of fiction together outside at a cafe. Ask strangers when you get stuck.

10. Dress to the nines, pretend to be married and test drive very expensive vehicles at an auto dealership.

11. Do the lamest tourist thing in your area that you have both secretly wanted to do forever. Have an unabashed good time!

12. In the middle of the night, drive to the beach, so you arrive just as the sun is riding. Have a breakfast picnic, then fall asleep together. Bring a sun umbrella.

13. Drive somewhere unknown and have dinner in a city you've never been to. Use fake names.

14. Go to a minor league baseball game under the stars. Tell each other stories about how bad you are at athletics. Randomly cheer for both teams. Eat lots of Cracker Jacks.

15. Go around the city with sidewalk chalk and draw hearts with equations inside on random things.

16. Walk around a city and perform short silent plays in front of security cameras.

17. With a camera and a pair of boots, make a photolog of a day in the life of the invisible man.

18. Walk around the city all night and find a place to eat breakfast at dawn.

19. Go to a restaurant and convince the cook to create something completely new for you.

20. Rent a movie you've never seen before. Set on mute and improvise dialogue.

My Love

Sometime I sneak pictures on skype without him knowing. He's just so cute! I get to see him in a month!

Love you boo!


My parents have completely redone the backyard since I left so I had my mom show me on skype. We now have a back patio complete with a pool and complete concrete fenced off area. I'm soo excited to see it and use the pool when I get back! Yay pool parties!

This used to be the hill going down to the lower part of the yard

The pool! Complete with a slide

Love my little baby girl!

International Sushi Day!

Laura discovered it was international sushi day yesterday so we haaad to go out for sushi. Which I had been craving anyway. We went to a fancy sushi restaurant right by our houses and it was so fun and yummy!

What happens when you don't eat it all in one bite


Yum and yum

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I hate Wednesdays. I always kinda have. Wednesday is when my least favorite class is and I swear every time I go to it it ruins my day. Today was no exception. Our teacher, who is pregnant, apparently can't teach the class anymore so we suddenly got a new teacher, who was all kinds of confused (seriously I'm pretty sure he didn't even know what the class was on) and everything was frustrating. He read off all our grades in front of the class and then put them up on the board. Not that I really care it's just a point of privacy that we should be given. I went home frustrated, tired or chileans, their culture and this country and when I got home I was happy to just sit down on my bed and relax until lunchtime. But then my bed collapsed. Which it has been doing. The mattress is held up by boards that like to fall through the bed frame. I fixed it, clearly not good enough though because it did it again later. I'm trying to survive these last days, I really am. I don't want to sound dramatic but I need to get out of here before I really start to hate everything about this country. I've spent too much time out of the U.S. in the last year. It really is my favorite country I have to say. 33 days left...will I survive.....

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Kai

I miss Kai so much! She just turned two and I obviously couldn't be there but I got to watch her open the presents I got her on skype. I'm posting these pictures in her honor! Happy birthday baby kai!

34 days left!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The beginning of the end

Today marks 35 days until I go home. I'm going to tryyy to write every single day until then. I haven't been documenting my experience that well (that was soo last semester) so I'm going to try to do this for the next 35 days. It seems like such a small number...but such a long time. Looking back, I'm realizing change has been a huge factor this semester. I have changed my hair 3 times, my nails change colors ALL the time (which is weird cuz in the u.s. I hate painting my nails), I have been religious about new music, I make new playlists ALL the time. (
I don't know if anyone is reading anymore, but this can just be for me if that is the case. So welcome back for the next 35 days. And who knows after that...