Monday, December 6, 2010

Momentitos de Viernes

Friday night we had our last big gringo get together. It was a lot of fun because ALL 30 some of us showed up and we basically took over the bar. Not that anyone cared. Notice the staring Chileans in the backgrounds of the photos. "Gringas with blond hair and white skin? Hot. Let's stare. All night." Yeah it gets awkward. But anyway, here are some moments from Friday:
DeEtta, Alicia and Natalie

DeEtta, Laura and I

My first Sex on the Beach. Quite tasty.

Besties! Also the only sober people. We gotta stick together.

Ha Pablo and Raul always make things entertaining

Alicia, Kelsey and Danit

It's only at these times when you realize how much
better chileans are at karaoke than drunken americans...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Diciembre! Por Fin!

A look out my window on Dec 1

It's December finally!! I feel like I've been waiting for this day forever! I can't believe it's here. December means that I get to go home, that I get to see my friends and family, that Christmas is coming aaand that school is over. The weather was nice and gloomy today which I enjoyed. It felt a little bit more like winter with the gloomy weather. I listened to Christmas music all day (thank you Pandora). Only 12 days until I leave! Happy December!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving in Chile!

Our attempt at Thanksgiving on Sunday turned out perfectly. Laura and I went over to Kelsey and Alicia's house and ended up getting a preeetty good Thanksgiving meal. Kelsey did all of the cooking (with help from Alicia) and we ended up with mashed potatoes, stuffing, turkey, deviled eggs, fresh bread, gravy, and an amazing apple pie. It made us all feel better about missing Thanksgiving and it was a lot of fun, even if we were all uncomfortably full after.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Los Puertos

Our last excursion was amazing! Definitely the best one so far. We went to Frutillar, Chile which is a little German town. We went to a little German museum which was basically a little preservation of an old german family owned land. There was an old house and barn and graveyard and the gardens were gorgeous and looked a maze.

From there we went to Puerto Varas. Eating was our first order of business and we definitely ate. It was something like a feast. The restaurant we went to was amazing. We basically got to try every kind of pasta the restaurant had. They brought a plate of pasta for every 3 or 4 of us. Everytime we finished one they brought us another with a different kind of pasta. All of it was amazing. Along with that we got garlic bread and jugo natural, which is blended fruit juice, my favorite drink here. Needless to say we were all so full by the time we got done we couldn't even move.

After that we got free time. We walked around the town, Bought souveniers and enjoyed the view (everywhere we went there was an amazing view of two volcanos). A few of us went to a cafe and got coffee and kuchen (german for cake). It was really good. Then that night we went back to the same restaurant and had the best salmon I have ever had in my life. It was amazing.

The next day we got up and went to this little park that was right by a river. It had waterfalls, the bluest water I've ever seen, and an amazing view of the volcanos. It was the most beautiful place I have ever been to.

After that we had another amazing lunch before heading out to our last destination, Puerto Montt. There is an artisanal market there and we got to walk around and buy more souveniers. From there we headed home. It was definitely one of the best experiences in Chile.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Wellll it turns out Thanksgiving hasn't been as depressing as I thought it would be. The day went so fast that I kept forgetting I was supposed to be with my family enjoying some delicious food. I think it helped that I'm almost at the 2 week mark and I'm SO excited! Anyway in honor of Thanksgiving-as lame as it was-here's my top ten thankful list:

I'm thankful for...
1) Family. Can't wait to see them again
2) Boyfriend. And ditto.
3) Baby kai kai
4) The opportunity to travel abroad
5) The opportunity to go home
6) Coffee
7) The U.S.--Best. Country. Ever.
8) Food. Specifically in the U.S.
9) Sunshine
10) Home

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Violeta en Chile

Violet visited me in Valdivia and it was a great weekend. It was like getting a little piece of home before going home. Unfortunately it was pouring rain the majority of the weekend but we still managed to do most of the touristy things while relaxing the rest of the time. We saw the sea lions, went out, got soaked in the pouring rain, made tacos (best part!) and went to the beach. I'm soo glad she got to come see me and see what my study abroad adventure is like (a lot less exciting than hers, for sure). Here are some moments captured via camera:

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The happiness project

I found this blog called the Happiness Project (love that name)and I'm pretty sure the post was for me specifically. I've been having issues getting motivation to exercise even while I'm doing it ever since I had that weekend of intense soreness. Even though I do it I'm a bit more out of shape than before and I don't feel good about it. Anyway I thought I would share this because it helped me.

12 Tips for Getting Regular Exercise -- and the Benefits for Happiness and Fitness.
1. Always exercise on Monday. This sets the psychological pattern for the week. Along the same lines…

2. If at all possible, exercise first thing in the morning. As the day wears on, you’ll find more excuses to skip exercising. Get it checked off your list, first thing. It's also a very nice way to start the day; even if nothing else goes right, you've accomplished that.

3. Never skip exercising for two days in a row. You can skip a day, but the next day, you must exercise, no matter how inconvenient. (Lately, I haven't been following this rule, and it has really affected my routine for the worse. I'm going to re-double my commitment to it.)

4. Give yourself credit for the smallest effort. My father always said that all he had to do was put on his running shoes and close the door behind him. Many times, by promising myself I could quit ten minutes after I’d started, I got myself to start – and then found that I didn’t want to quit, after all.

5. Think about context. I thought I disliked weight-training, but in fact, I disliked the guys who hung out in the weight-training area. Are you distressed about the grubby showers in your gym? Do you try to run in the mornings, but recoil from going out in the cold? Examine the factors that might be discouraging you from exercising.

6. Exercise several times a week. If your idea of exercise is to join games of pick-up basketball, you should be playing practically every day. Twice a month isn’t enough.

7. If you don’t have time both to exercise and take a shower, find a way to exercise that doesn’t require you to shower afterward. Each week, I have a very challenging weight-training session, but the format I follow doesn’t make me sweat. (Some of you are saying, “It can’t be challenging if you don’t sweat!” Oh yes, believe me, it is.)

8. Look for affordable ways to make exercising more pleasant or satisfying. Could you upgrade to a nicer or more convenient gym? Buy yourself a new iPod? Work with a trainer? Get a pedometer to keep track of your walking distances? Exercise is a high life priority, so this a worthwhile place to spend some money if that helps.

9. Think of exercise as part of your essential preparation for times you want to be in especially fine form -- whether in performance (to be sharp for an important presentation) or appearance (to look good for a wedding) or mood (to deal with a stressful situation). In college, my roommates and I always made sure to exercise the day of a big party. Studies show that exercise does help.

10. Remember one of my favorite Secrets of Adulthood, courtesy of Voltaire: Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Don’t decide it’s only worth exercising if you can run five miles or if you can bike for an hour. I have a friend who scorns exercise unless she’s training for a marathon -- so she never exercises. Even going for a ten-minute walk is worthwhile. Do what you can.

11. Suit up. Even if you're not sure you're going to exercise, go ahead and put on your exercise clothes. Pack your bag. Put the dog's leash by the door. Get prepared. If you're ready to go, you might find it easier just to go ahead and exercise. Sometimes, a very trivial thing -- like not knowing where your shoes are -- gets in the way.

12. Don’t kid yourself. Paying for a gym membership doesn’t mean you go to the gym. Having been in shape in high school or college doesn’t mean you’re in shape now. Saying that you don’t have time to exercise doesn’t make it true.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Hacer Kayaking!!

Yesterday I got the AMAZING opportuntiy to go on a kayaking trip. One of the Chilean guys hooked us up for free and it was well worth the time. Valdivia is technically an island, it's surrounded by two rivers and the ocean, so there are a lot of places to do water activities (Think rowing and kayaking, not wakeboarding and skiing--I think it has something to do with the sea lions). We kayaked down the river (or maybe up the river, no idea) to a little village. It was beautiful the whole way. There are a ton of trees and amazing views so it never got boring. However, it did get hard. Two hours kayaking for a bunch of people who haven't kayaked before is iiiintense. The way there wasn't THAT bad, in comparison to the way back anyway. We were all tired and hungry when we finally got there and had a really good lunch (empanadas!!) before having to go back. Our arms were dead and it was a little bit cold. Once we hit halfway it was better. The water was calm and we could see how far we had to go before getting back. Still, it was crazy hard and took forever. The whole trip took 7 hours and 4-5 of those hours was kayaking. We were all pretty sunburnt, tired and cold when we got back. I took a bath when I got home to soak my muscles. Did I mention I have no upper arm strength? Then after I took 800mg of ibuprofen, then realizing that wasn't working i popped a few more. I was so dehydrated and sore that everytime I moved I thought I was going to cry or throw up. Needless to say I didn't do either of those and I was able to go to bed early and sleep all night. We were all dreading the next morning but surprisingly, I was much less sore. My arms still hurt and my back does too but it's nothing compared to the pain I was going through the night before. I calculated how many calories I burned and it was something around a days worth of food. Looking back, the experience was amazing and totally worth it. Compared to some, I wasn't burnt at all, just my face but it's already starting to turn into a tan. Laura has super burnt legs and Alicia couldn't even get out of bed this morning because she was so burnt (she's a redhead). I would love to go kayaking again, but maybe for only an hour or two...

P.S. Happy birthday to my grandma! Love you and miss you a ton!!! Less than a month until I get to see you again!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

One month left!

View of the sunset out my window
Only one month remaining of my time in Chile (part 1). I'm soo excited to go home. Being this close makes me miss home and everyone so much more. I can't believe that in exactly one month I'll be getting on a plane and coming home. I'm a little worried to be flying all the way alone but I think I'll be fine. Especially once I get back in the States. I can't remember what it's like to not have to worry about being understood! Anyway, I'm trying not to countdown but it's so hard! Can't wait!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Hills

Since we've been exercising, Laura and I have discovered some really beautiful places in Valdivia. My favorite, by far, is the area we've come to call The Hills. It got its name because it is put together of incredibly high, steep hills, which makes for a great workout, I have to say. Not only does it have amazing and interesting houses, but also great views of Valdivia. The first time we went we swore one day we'd take our cameras (jogging & photography--anyone reminded of Yes Man?) and take pictures. We finally did this morning (I guess finally isn't really the word since we only discovered it less than a week ago) and I put them in a slideshow for you to see.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Relaxation, Stress, and everything in between

Unhappy daylight savings! Really, I realize it is only an hours difference but just the thought of me sleeping in and then it only being 5am at home is really annoying. I have to wait till like 3pm to call anyone! I'm pretty sure whoever decided daylight savings was a good idea was just plotting against me.

November was brought in with a ton of rain. It brings a whole new meaning to spring showers. I don't mind it, really. Mostly because it gives me a reason to be lazy when I don't have school. Yes I realize I'm lame. As time continues I think everyone is kind of getting a little antsy. I can see the end and I want to get there so bad. I think it would be different if I didn't have school but I do and it's giving me an extreme case of senioritis. I realize now I was always right about the semester system. Way. Too. Long. Buut I'm surviving. If not with a large case of homesickness and stress. Laura and I are counting down the weeks, days, hours. It's actually helping. Anyone wondering how long until I come home? Exactly 5 weeks tomorrow!

This weekend It's been really low key. For one it's been pouring outside and no one wants to go out in the rain, and for two I have an incredible amount of homework. Thankfully the kids have been gone all weekend so I've been able to be a little productive without all the noise and chaos. On Friday I was actually able to take my first bath! I've been exercising a lot lately (stress+comfort food=10lbs) and I came home after running with sore muscles to an empty house and poured myself a bubble bath. It was pretty much the best idea ever. The bath tub here is a little deeper than mine and there's a perfect place to rest your head. I got to relax completely and then went to bed early. I need more nights like that. Sometimes I feel the stress to take advantage of being in a foreign country more but after 3 months, and the knowledge that I'm coming back for four more, I've pretty much succumbed to my exhaustion and stopped worrying about it.

Filling up the bathtub... While the rain poured

Fortunately I have something MORE to look forward to when I get back. My parents invited Luke and I to the Carribbean in January to St. John. This is pretty much exactly what I need. Time with Luke and my parents on a tropical island sounds just about perfect to me. I feel so lucky.

St. John

Remember Halloween?

I forgot I documented the preparation before the kids all went off and had fun and I stayed home and thought about how lame Halloween gets after you're too old for trick or treating.
This part was fun though:

Claudio in his dracula(?) costume

I think Augustin ended up being a beat up police man with scary teeth
Barbara helping the kids get ready

Laura and I setting out for a completely disappointing night.
I think we had our real Halloween night a couple nights before when we got together at my house with Alicia and and a Tim Burton movie night. Popcorn, movies, friends, a collapsing bed, what else would you want on Halloween?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Feliz Noviembre!

Reasons why I'm excited for November:

1) Suuuunshine
2) 6-count them-SIX weeks left!
3) Since there's no Thanksgiving here I'm starting the Christmas music early.
4) 6 weeks
5) I overestimated the reasons why I was excited for November...

Reasons I'm NOT excited for November:

1) Thanksgiving. Probably going to be the most depressing day ever.
2) The closer we get to the end the more the teachers like to torture us
3) Daylight savings. 5 Hours difference? Kill me now.

Hope everyone is enjoying the first day of November!

P.S. Happy birthday to my sister-in-law! Miss you!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

Remember this little love bug?

I'm officially missing the second halloween! Someday I will finally spend one with my adorable little niece. I can't wait to see what she'll be this year. She could dress up as a baby and I would still think she was the cutest thing ever. I love you Kaileyabug! Have a happy halloween!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Rain, rain...

Ok so you can't capture rain in a picture. But use your imagination.

It has been pouring for the last 12+ hours. It hasn't let up one bit. And now I have to walk to school in it. If I make it without drowning I will be amazed. It's the kind of rain that you skip class for. Unless you have a test. Than you suck it up and go anyway. It's the kind of rain I would go out and dance in if I was at home. But now I live in it and its not weird for it to rain this much. These are the times I with I had a car. Or I didn't mind paying for taxis. I can't wait until I get back and get to take off my wet clothes, fingers crossed they'll dry in 3 hours so I can put them back on and walk back through the rain to my second class. That one is only a three hour class. Who cares if I get wet. Sitting in wet clothes is fun! That was my optimism for the day. Or maybe for the week. Rain, rain go away, come back when I don't have to go walking outside.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


The wind is ferociously blowing, Creaking the walls and escaping through the cracks in the window frame. I close my eyes and think of you. Think of the wind that I used to hate so much. It blew through your window, so strong that it broke our frame. I resented it so much then, and now I want to run outside and stand in it. Let it blow my hair and chill my skin. The familiar, familiar wind. I close my eyes and pretend I'm with you. Pretend I'm home. And then I hear the rain. It sounds like thousands of little pebbles being dropped outside my window, and I snap back to reality. Snap back to the world I'm in. The world without you, the world without wind.
And then I just enjoy the rain.

Monday, October 25, 2010

El Viernes

I took my camera with me on Friday and took some pics to document it. Spring is in full swing and walking into town is always enjoyable.Friday night one of the students was performing at a bar so we went to watch. It was pretty low key but still fun.
Here are some pics:
For some reason Chile has a thing with snails. I think there is a type of snail that is unique to this area so they're special or cultural or something? They even made a movie about it. Anyway they're called caracoles in Spanish. They're all over the fences and walls outside this time of year so I took a picture.

These are 'weeds' apparently but they're so pretty.

Love graffiti

Simon performing. He was really good.

Some gringos at the bar

Chillin' with my peeps.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Happy breast cancer awareness month!

I'm a little disappointed I'm missing October because it's breast cancer awareness month. I love when everything turns pink in support of it. I always end up buying random things like pink sharpies or chocolate with pink wrappers (who needs an excuse to buy chocolate though, really?). Anyway in honor of it I went looking online for Breast cancer stuff and found some good things. It's amazing how much support there is for breast cancer and every October I'm shocked at how much more recognition there is. I hope eventually there is this much recognition for all cancers and diseases.

Here are some of my favorite products:

Mushrooms? Really?

I would so buy this. Who doesn't want a pink swiffer?

Mmm chocolate

And more chocolate

Sweet shoes!

Cool straightener

Looove dove chocolate

Ha great slogan

Mom you should definitely get this

My mom had breast cancer at a really young age and others in my family have had it too. Luckily I don't carry the gene for it, however, we're still all at high risk anyway so all this recognition and donations for research is really amazing.

Secret Skype Photos

Sometimes when I Skype I like to take random pics when people don't know it. Here are a few of my favs (be warned, most of these are of the cutest baby ever!):

Luke and Ducky McQuackers


So cute!

I love this progression of pictures:

Big smiles

The parents

Aw sleepy baby

First time skyping with Kai Kai

Her favorite thing to do.

I love these people. I'm lucky I get to talk to them while I'm gone. Thank you Skype! Love and miss everyone!