Saturday, September 18, 2010

¡¡Viva Chile!!

Happy 200 years Chile!

¡¡Feliz Cumpleaños Chile!!

I wish I could tell you about all the cultural things I did today and how much I celebrated but I definitely didn't do any of that. Laura and I went to the carnival which is right by our house and hung out there for awhile. It was pretty lame though because we didn't want to go on any rides and we were too full to eat any food. Besides we've been warned about street venders. We left there and decided to walk downtown..which was deserted. We were both in a negative mood because we both wanted to be with our families. Independence day is definitely all about family here (similar to in the U.S.) so our host families both left us to be with their extended family and friends and we kinda got left at home. We were glad we had eachother though. We decided to pass up the party invitation we got (it was really far away and its pouring outside) and pack instead because we're leaving tomorrow. I will be without my blog and computer for the next week (ish, I'll be back before my birthday which is on Saturday). I would like to tell you a detailed description of our travel plans but we don't have any. I'm trying to convince myself that it'll be good for me (I'm OCD on traveling..I need to know the where when and how of every second) buuut I supposed I'll survive. The general plan is to go to Santiago tomorrow and then Mendoza the next day but it's very tentative and subject to change so who knows. Whatever we end up doing I'm sure I'll come back with a lot of stories and adventures for you all.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, I'm sorry about your host families, but it sounds like you guys had fun! I ended up celebrating the Chilean bicentennial from here at a park (where all of the Chileans somehow figured out to gather) and just hung out with my roommate and her friends all day. But ha, I kept randomly thinking of you and wondering how you were celebrating/ the crazy things you encounter with Chileans every day. I have a bit of practice with my roommate, but for the most part, it's so hard to understand Chileans! I don't know how you do it, but good job!

    Anyway, I'm excited to read about your adventures in Santiago and Mendoza (and still somewhat bummed that I don't get to see you for another month). Suerte!
