Monday, September 27, 2010

Feliz Cumple a mi!

Saturday was my 21st birthday! It was a good day to have it too because it happened to be the last day of Independence day celebrations (doesn't it seem like we've been celebrating for a month?) and they ended it with a parade and fireworks (pretty sure both were for me). It was kinda depressing to have my birthday away from my family but I survived. In the morning I was lazy (it was the morning after I got back from the trip so I was pretty worn out). My family got be a cake which was super nice of them. Not completely sure what kind it was...or how good it was...but it's the thought that counts right? Anyway later I went shopping and bought myself a very cute birthday outfit (not to be mistaken with a birthday suit) we got donuts and stopped and watched the parade on the way home. Laura bought me another cake for my birthday at this cafe right by my house which has amazing cakes and deserts. It was a tres leche torta and very good. We went to my house to change before running back to the bridge to watch the fireworks which were ah-maz-ing! Loved them! After that we (laura, natalie and I) met up with Alicia (she's the redhead girl from my Argentina pics) and went to el bunker. We got drinks and food and it was all very low key but exactly how I wanted it under the circumstances. Birthdays stress me out. The second the clock turned 12 I felt like the spotlight was off and I could go back to normal. Ever since then I've been really homesick but my other friends have too so I think it's just part of the cycle. 11 weeks until I come back home! I miss my family and friends and Luke soo much it hurts but I know things will start looking up again soon. Probably next week when I get my Spanish chops back. I definitely lost a lot after going on vacation. Also I'm sick, I have a really bad cough and all I want is my mommy. And Luke. And a coffee...or Mexican food. Sorry, got distracted. Anyway I'm sure when I feel better physically I'll feel better mentally.
OH! I should also mention the earthquake we had. It was at like 2 in the morning on the 26th (although I'm going to remember it as being on my birthday since I was still awake). It was a 5.1 which isn't that bad but it was still pretty intense. I feel like I've had the true Chilean experience now. I feel like it was the world's way of telling me happy birthday. Hopefully there aren't anymore earthquakes or none that are is enough.
Thanks for everyone who thought of me on my birthday. I equally thought of all of you as well. Te Quiero!

Spring Break: South American Style

I'm finally back to Valdivia! Ok well actually I got back on Friday but uploading pictures takes so long I've been putting it off. Anyway I definitely had a super long week. Leaving Santiago was sad and unfortunate because I did not enjoy Mendoza. I think only about 3 out of the 8 of us actually did like it. I had really bad luck the whole time; lost my phone, got lost for like 2 hours a was a lot of walking and not very much fun. I would love to tell you all the details but that seems like a lot of work so I hope you get a lot out of my pictures. Every picture is worth 1000 words right? In Mendoza my favorite part was subway. We were all so happy to see one. It was almost up there with the starbucks in Santiago. The first day we were there a few of us went up to this (unnatural) hotsprings which was pretty fun. Then that night we went to a Mexican restaurant which was horrible. These people had clearly never been to Mexico. The next day 3 girls went wine tasting and the rest of us stayed in Mendoza and got as lost as possible for about three hours. Not kidding. After the miles we walked we were all pretty much ready to go home that night. It took about 24 hours to get home. We left Mendoza at 10:30 and got to Santiago at 4:30am which, by the way, is a horrible time to have a layover because nothing was open. We layed down on the ground and tried to go back to sleep. The only good thing about the trip from Mendoza is we got to see the Andes at night which was amazing. Our bus left from Santiago at 7:15 and got to Valdivia around 7 or 8 that night. We were all so happy to see Valdivia we wanted to kiss the ground. I missed everything about Valdivia while I was gone. I'll never take clean showers and toilets and steady meals for granted again. Not that our trip was all bad. I had a ton of fun with the group that we went with. I got closer to a lot of people that I had barely known when I got there. We bonded and that was pretty much worth the trip. Luckily everyone (randomly) who went with us is from Ellensburg except one person. What're the odds? Long story short, glad I went, glad I made it home, and if you ever want to go to Argentina, avoid Mendoza. It stinks. Literally.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Santiago x2

Ok so I lied about not getting on here for a week. Turns out I have free wifi where I'm staying and I decided it would be easier to blog as I go.
I'm in Santiago! We got here after a 13 hour bus ride. It was awful. Sooo long. My butt hurt so bad by the time I got there and we were sitting right by the bathrooms..Yeah..I'll leave the rest up to your imagination. We got here last night at 11(ish) with no plans of transportation or hostels. Luckily a nice young couple helped us out a little bit (apparently we looked lost with our group of gringos). They told us that we would have to take a taxi because the metro was already closed and we would probably have a hard time finding a hostel because of the holiday weekend. We flagged down a couple taxis and had them take us to a plaza where we knew of a few hostels (thank goodness for guide books). Long story short, we ended up randomly landing right in front of the hostel we were looking for without even realizing it. Finding the hostel was one thing, finding a hostel that could fit 8 people on the spot was another. Fortunately our luck was good because not only could they fit all of us, but they fit all of us in one room. I couldn't believe our luck. I'm not really a spontaneous traveler so I had no expectations but everything worked out. The hostel we're staying at is called La Casa Roja, it is amazing. It used to be an old mansion and has a ton of big rooms as well as a huge kitchen and a pool (with a swim up bar which isn't in use right now but still, how cool.) aaand free wifi. Thank you hostel fairies.
We all got up pretty late this morning (everyone except for Laura and I went out partying at TWO in the morning and got back at almost FIVE! Crazy people) and went in search for food. Unfortunately all the stores are closed so we wandered around until we found a 'los pollitos dicen' which means the chicks say...anyway it's the name of a fast food place. It has greasy chicken but we were starving and ate there anyway. The rest of the day we wandered around which was kinda nice because we're on the completely opposite side of Santiago than I was on with Mom so it's like being in a whole new city. We went to a light show tonight, it basically told the history of Chile by showing it on the capital building with fireworks. It would have been amazing if there hadn't been a milllllion people there. Seriously. I don't even think I'm exaggerating. A few of us split from the group and made our way out of the masses, definitely easier said than done. I'm a little disappointed I didn't get to see it but I'm relieved I made it out of there alive. Tooo many people.
Tomorrow the holiday weekend is officially over, thank goodness. Stores will be open, Starbucks will be waiting for us (I'm pretty sure that's why we stayed an extra night here. We're all waiting for our starbucks) and we will be able to eat something besides gas station food!! Not kidding. That's what we've been surviving on.
Tomorrow we're headed to Mendoza, Argentina which should be an adventure. It's a 6 hour bus ride and I'm pretty sure we're sitting by the bathrooms again but what can ya do. Hopefully I'll have wifi at our hostel there as well. But if not I will be home Friday. Miss you all! Ciao!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

¡¡Viva Chile!!

Happy 200 years Chile!

¡¡Feliz Cumpleaños Chile!!

I wish I could tell you about all the cultural things I did today and how much I celebrated but I definitely didn't do any of that. Laura and I went to the carnival which is right by our house and hung out there for awhile. It was pretty lame though because we didn't want to go on any rides and we were too full to eat any food. Besides we've been warned about street venders. We left there and decided to walk downtown..which was deserted. We were both in a negative mood because we both wanted to be with our families. Independence day is definitely all about family here (similar to in the U.S.) so our host families both left us to be with their extended family and friends and we kinda got left at home. We were glad we had eachother though. We decided to pass up the party invitation we got (it was really far away and its pouring outside) and pack instead because we're leaving tomorrow. I will be without my blog and computer for the next week (ish, I'll be back before my birthday which is on Saturday). I would like to tell you a detailed description of our travel plans but we don't have any. I'm trying to convince myself that it'll be good for me (I'm OCD on traveling..I need to know the where when and how of every second) buuut I supposed I'll survive. The general plan is to go to Santiago tomorrow and then Mendoza the next day but it's very tentative and subject to change so who knows. Whatever we end up doing I'm sure I'll come back with a lot of stories and adventures for you all.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

One month!

I have officially hit the one month mark. I can't believe I've been out of the U.S. for that long. Crazy! I'm feeling a little bit homesick today because I watched the news (online) and they were talking about fall fashion. I'm so sad that I'm missing fall this year! I'm 1/4 done with this adventure, which sounds like a lot until I count the weeks (hey I said I was feeling homesick) which is down to 13.

Things that have changed in the last month:
  1. Spring has sprung in Valdivia
  2. My brain has began to almost completely understand spanish (speaking is a whole different thing)
  3. I've gotten over my coffee addiction, even though I crave it everyday
  4. I've developed a love for walking as a mode of transportation (don't worry I'm sure the second I step back in the U.S. that'll go away)
  5. I've discovered I might not die from missing people
  6. My spelling has been destroyed (You'd be surprised what Spanish does to your spelling)
The weeks here are racing by. I feel like it's always the weekend, which it really is, seeing as how we have 3 days weekends and sometimes only one class a day during the week. Next week is vacation! I'm excited for Friday and Saturday because there's going to be celebrations galore here. Next week is kind of up in the air. There are like 8 of us who have bought tickets to Santiago. We're going to spend a night there (or maybe 2) and then move on to Mendoza, Argentina. Our schedule is pretty free and open so who knows where the week will take us.

Happy birthday to my bestie tomorrow! I wish we could have spent our 21st together but we'll make up for it. Hope your day is amazing! Love you!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Otra lista?

A list of things that I miss right now in this moment, not counting people: UGGS! I want them so bad. Everyday I wish that I had mine, if nothing else than for slippers. The first thing I'm putting on when I get home is my Uggs. By the way this would be a great birthday present. Uggs in every color, totally reasonable.

Ok I know I said no people but this is a such a cute picture I had to put it up anyway. Look at all that hair! She's getting so big!

I've pretty much gotten over my coffee addiction (try to hide your shock) but every once in awhile I wish I could run into town and grab a GOOD coffee.

I miss my phone so much. Not even my phone but just being able to communicate more easily with people. I hate that I have to have 2 second conversations (i.e. "Hey get online I want to talk to you ok bye") and most of all I miss texting! Don't judge me! I really miss just being able to tell people stuff easily throughout the day.

Peanut butter. I think I only want it because I can't find it. At some point I'm going to get up enough energy to walk to the really far away store that I know has it. Who knew peanut butter would be so hard to come by.

Ok I just realized this last night, but I totally miss whole wheat bread. I eat sooo much white bread and it just feels unhealthy. I asked Gloria last night if they sell it here and she said you have to go to like, health food stores to get it. What?

There are a ton of other things that I miss, like mexican food (the first thing I'm going to eat when I get back), and all my people, but I thought I'd share what I'm missing right at this second. When I get home I'm going to eat peanut butter whole wheat sandwiches with a side of dutch bros while I share with Kailey, texting all my friends and wearing one of my many pairs of uggs (I hope I can decide which pair after I get all those different colors for my bday/xmas). It's going to be amazing.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

El Día de Independencia

As promised, this post is dedicated to Chilean's independence day. Chile's independence from Spain is celebrated on September 18. This is not the actual day of independence, which is February 12, it is the day that the government first gathered...or something to that effect. Not gonna to lie that's pretty much where I lost interest and missed some details. This year I'm especially lucky to be here because it is the bicentennial! It's going to be celebration times 100, and believe me the Chileans know how to celebrate. I'm realizing how lame our independence day is. Fireworks on one night? Try fireworks, food, drinking, celebrations and partying for a week! Everyone even gets the week off school! Last night I went to a celebration thing at the kids' school. It was kinda silly but definitely interesting and cultural. It was fun to go out and support them.

Claudio making eyes at me.

Barbara mid dance

Joaquin is the one on the very end dancing by himself

Claudio and I.

He's such a ham. When he got done with his performance he looked over, winked at me and put his hand up to his ear like he had a phone while he mouthed 'call me.' Ooh 8 year olds.

There was also a part where everyone stood up to sing the national anthem. It was really awkward, I felt like the only one that didn't know it. Here are the lyrics in English:

Pure, Chile, is your blue sky;
Pure breezes cross you as well.
And your flower-embroidered field
Is the happy copy of Eden.
Majestic is the white mountain
That was given to you as a bastion by the Lord
That was given to you as a bastion by the Lord
And that sea that calmly washes your shores
Promises you a future splendor
And that sea that calmly washes your shores
Promises you a splendid future.

Sweet fatherland, accept the vows
With which Chile swore at your altars:
Either the tomb of the free will you be
Or the refuge against oppression
Either the tomb of the free will you be
Or the refuge against oppression
Either the tomb of the free will you be
Or the refuge against oppression
Or the refuge against oppression
Or the refuge against oppression.

There is also a traditional dance in Chile. It is called the Cueca (click the link to watch it). It's really cool because pretty much everyone knows it and can dance it on command. It's basically the story of a man pursuing a woman, if you watch it notice that the man is following the woman around. In the end he gets the girl and everything is happy. Why don't we have a traditional dance?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sunday Afternoon

Sunday was dedicated to homework but Laura, Natalie and I decided we need coffee ahead of time. Coffee took an unexpected turn and ended up being more of a feast of dessert. These are the kind of cultural experiences I've come to love and enjoy.

Chocolate ice creamed wrapped in a crepe sitting in dulce de leche. Mmm

Pineapple ice cream wrapped in a crepe with sherbert sauce

Cafe helado. The way coffee should always be.


I feel like I have so much to write about. First I wanted to say that this blog is really helping me through this experience, good times and bad. I feel like it is connecting me with everyone back home. I've never been much of a diary person so it really helps to know that I am writing to someone. I want to apologize if I sound like I'm complaining all the time. This is my personal blog and I express my personal thoughts no matter what they are. By doing this I feel like I'm being more honest and giving all of you a more honest description of my time here. That being said, this one might be a downer. Then again it might not..I haven't quite figured out what kind of mood I'm in yet.

I had a bit of a breakdown last night. It was different than in the past though. Usually I'm homesick and miss everyone and want something familiar but I'm happy to say that being here is familiar now. I don't really dream desperately about going home anymore, though I still do miss everyone a lot. My breakdown was due to a lack of sleep (spent the night before throwing up all night), lack of food and lack of my people (Luke and Mom had been unavailable for 3+ days). Laura and I always talk about culture shock and not knowing what it is exactly or if or when it's going to hit, but I think it has. It has come in the form of lack of control.

I thought that my body was adjusting to the eating schedule here but this weekend I became increasingly aware that it hadn't and it probably wasn't going to. After spending the night before incredibly sick (medication+no food=sick sick sickerson all night) and then wearing my pants without leggings for the first time (the weather has been amazing) and realizing that they are getting way too big (did I think to bring a belt? noo...) I realized something must be done or else I'm going to waste away to nothing. So today I made a trip to the grocery store so that I might be able to take my eating into my own hands and make my life easier.

Since I have no class till 4 today I had lots of time to go into town. I wrote a mental list and ended up getting a lot of things for my stash. I even got some healthy stuff! Mom insisted that I get peanut butter so I could have some form of protein but could I find peanut butter? No. Gloria (host mom) said it was more of a seasonal thing...Like it's sold in the spring...which I find really weird. Anyway I'm pretty proud of what I've put together here.

This is a before picture of my stash before I got mom's package in the mail. Now it's this plus a lot more good stuff. Almonds, crackers, brownie mix (that's not really part of my stash, I was just excited to find it because Laura, Natalie and I have been trying to find it forever!), chocolate (I said some healthy stuff), starbursts, wafer cookie things, energy get the idea. Anyway I'm pretty confident it will last me awhile. And if you're wondering, it's all hidden in a shoe box in my closet. I figured that's pretty much the best place for a stash.

I woke up this morning to discover I was sick. This was destined to happen so I wasn't surprised and with all the stress I've faced in the last couple days it was bound to happen. Luckily I came here fully stocked with cold medicine (thank you Cosco) so I'm good to go. Unfortately I forgot to buy kleenex at the store. Toilet paper here I come.

Thanks a ton for all your support. It's really helping me out. My next post is going to be dedicated to the bicentennial of Chile because tonight I'm going to a celebration event at the kids' school. Be excited!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Girl's Day Out

Yesterday Laura, Natalie and I had a much needed girl's day out. We'd been looking forward to it all week and it didn't disappoint. Our first and foremost goal was a search for pizza. We'd all been craving it but hadn't found anywhere that had it (aside from telepizza which is a fast food chain and not good at. all.). We decided to try this place called Approach that was close to the school. The sign said "pizzeria" so we figured it was a safe bet. It was definitely a good choice. It was expensive but 100% worth it. The pizza was amazing! We all three finished the pizza (a big accomplishment) and started the day with happy tummies.

We walked through town, stopping at the fish market (Laura hadn't been there yet, and probably will never go again, she wasn't a fan of the hundreds of dead fish), the artisian market where we got alpaca and wool sweaters (finally), and the mall. After shopping for a little bit we were way too weighed down with bags to go anywhere else so we headed home. Our plan was to stop by the store, buy brownie mix, and go home and bake them while doing homework. Unfortunately we couldn't find brownie mix so we settled on ice cream with brownie chunks instead. We did homework for a few hours, never actually breaking into the ice cream (its hard to hide ice cream from 3 little boys running around and we figured their mother wouldn't appreciate them wanting ice cream right before bedtime). When we finally gave up on homework (influenced strongly by my host mom, Gloria, who read part of my paper that I had written, declared me brain dead and told us to wrap it up and start again tomorrow), we decided to get something to eat. We headed to El Bunker and ordered a chicken burger (one between the 3 of us, they're that big) and a platter of fries (and by platter I mean truckload). Luckily Simon, this guy in our program came in and helped us finish our fries while he was waiting for other people because it was a wee bit too much for us. After that we walked Natalie to the bus stop and then went home and went to bed. It was a really good day. Exactly what we needed. Today we're going to pick up and start where we left off on the homework. At some point today we're chowing down on ice cream, in the presence of the kidlets or not.

Donut time at the mall!
Everything is turning patriotic in preparation for the bicentennial on Sept. 18.

Heart shaped rock

Us in our cool new sweaters


Cool table at the restaurant

My side was the prettiest

Cozy atmosphere at Approach

Waiting for pizza


Vamos a la playa (not)

Our trip to the beach on Friday turned out to be a 2 hour hike in the thick jungle forest. It may sound like I'm being dramatic but I'm not. While hiking is not my favorite thing in the world I did enjoy it (until the last hour and a half) because it was so beautiful. We did stop at the beach but they only let us stay for 5 minutes before we started the hike. I think a lot of us would have rather spent the whole time on the beach but what can ya do. Anyway, here are some of the sites we got to see and other various moments throughout the day.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Spring in September

A look out my window on a sunny September 1st

It's so odd that spring is starting here. It's really messing with my mind. I'm happy though. It's sunny but still so cold outside, and inside for that matter. This morning I could see my breath. I hope it gets a little warmer while I'm here. Maybe warm enough to not wear leggings under my jeans and 3 layers under my coat. That's all I'm asking. All I want here are my uggs! I just want to put them on and be warm. I think I'm going to have to break down and go get some wool socks and an alpaca sweater this weekend. All the students are saying that's the way to go. But back to September. I have to say September is probably my favorite month. Noo not just because it's my birthday month! Last year I discovered a new found love for fall which I'm definitely missing this year. In Ellensburg fall is so pretty. The leaves change color and you get to start wearing sweatshirts and drinking hot cocoa. Mmmmm. I just started dreaming of christmas the other day. I might be jumping the gun a little but I was dreaming of those days before Christmas when mom and I do our last minute shopping and there's snow in the parking lots and the streets light up really early. I can't wait for that time. On the plane ride back I'm going to be listening to Christmas music all the way home.
I'm having a hard time staying focused on September. It's super pretty here, it has been since I arrived. The trees are all blossoming and I love it. In Wenatchee I feel like that part only lasts for a week or so but here it goes on forever and ever (maybe not but I feel like I've been here a year already). In honor of the new month, this is what September means to me:
