Thursday, July 29, 2010

Anniversary #2

Happy two years to us! They've been so amazing. I love this guy!


Yesterday Mom and I were driving down the road when we saw a ton of balloons in the air. It was somewhat breath taking. If it were up to me I would release a hundred balloons in the air everyday just to watch them blow away.


Monday, July 26, 2010

Baked Spaghetti

Dinner! Luke and I made baked spaghetti. Yum!

Saturday fun in the sun!

Mom, Dad, Luke, Kai and I all went boating on Saturday. It was a lot of fun. I got a little burnt but it turned into a nice tan. I'm just glad I got to go before leaving!
My dad got ITC hats. Very official. We had to take a hat picture :)

Kai on the boat. She had a lot of fun.
She didn't even care that the water was super cold.

She also took a nap.
She was really comfortable in her life jacket I think because she fell asleep twice on the boat.

So sweet!

Love love!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Bread Fail

Remember a few days ago when I made that beautiful loaf of bread with my handy dandy bread maker? Yeah. So yesterday I tried to make french cheese bread. Sounds good right? And it might have been if it hadn't turned out like this...

I'm not quite sure what went wrong. It looked so funny when it came out all Luke and I could do is laugh. It still tastes all right though. Can you say bread fail?

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Camping time!

Luke and I went camping with Dustin (his roommate) and their friend Ian. It was just overnight but we had a lot of fun.

Breakfast time! It was a scrambled sausage hash brown egg mix that I couldn't stomach but they enjoyed it. Needless to say they all got sick from the grease.

Being goofy.

Ha I told Luke to pose and he did this...
As fun as it was I'm glad it was only one night.
The ground was so hard that none of us slept very soundly.
We saw a lot of cute chipmunks though and the scenery was really pretty.
Totally worth it!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Birthday Girl!

Kai's first birthday was last month and I just found the pictures on my camera. She didn't get any cake because she was sick and throwing up the night before, but she definitely had fun with the presents!

Awesome birthday present from Auntie Lacey

Mr. Potato Head love

Happy birthday Baby Kai!

I love you!

Bread Time!

Mom bought be a bread machine! Well actually it was Julianne's and she was selling it at the garage sale but it's only been used like once so it's still brand new. I've been wanting to try making bread forever so we finally got our chance.

The final product! It turned out pretty good!

Monday, July 5, 2010

"Keep your thoughts"

This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life.”

I've been thinking about the rest of my life a lot lately. I'm at a point where there are so many cross roads so every decision is shaping my future more than every before. I used to dread being out of college because I felt like I would be left stranded in the world. Now I feel like I have at least the next few years planned out and I'm excited. The problem is I'm having trouble just enjoying the right now because I'm so focused on the future. I guess right now I'm just waiting. I'm in limbo between the end of school and the start of a crazy adventure. I'm trying to enjoy my time with each person because I'm not going to see them for a long time but it's all so exhausting. I've found it best to just act normal. Act like I'm not leaving for 4 months; for now at least.

I leave in 5 weeks and 4 days. Luke's mom pointed out that I'm leaving on Friday the 13th. Good thing I'm not superstitious. Right? I'm terrified and excited and I wish I could take all my friends and hide them in my suitcase. Or maybe just a select few. If any experience is going to make me independent it'll be this one. Maybe when I get back I won't need my mommy as much. Ok who are we kidding I'll always need my mommy.

It's work work work for the rest of this week. Long ten hour days today, Thursday and Friday. On the bright side it's supposed to be hot! like 90s. Which means I can get my tan on. Woo!

P.S. Jana's engaged. Again. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy July!

Happy July! Gotta get my baby pics in while I'm here. Six weeks left until I leave my life! I'm actually getting excited about it now. Isn't it crazy to think that this will probably change my whole life? Weird. Anyway, you all have to deal with my obsessive baby syndrome while it lasts. How can you get tired of something this cute?

Kai and her favorite auntie!

How to keep a baby entertained in a grocery store

Naked baby on the run!
She doesn't love the whole getting dressed bit right now.

Sleepy baby. Who can say no to this face?