Thursday, March 19, 2009

Meet the parents

Yes I did it. I never thought I would officially meet the parents but I did. Well, the parent anyway. Yesterday Luke and I drove to Yakima to meet his dad for dinner. Let me tell ya, meeting dad's? Intimidating. So less likely of a chance you'll connect. Anyway, his dad's name is Eric and he's really nice. I liked him a lot. I'm sure I didn't make much of an impression because I said like two words the whole time, but they were talking about things or people I didn't know anything about so can you blame me? Anyway, within the first 5 minutes Luke left me ALONE with his dad to go to the bathroom! How dare him, I know. It wasn't thaaat bad. But it did get to the point where his dad asked me what my hobbies are. Yeah who really asks that? And what are my hobbies anyway? Who has time for hobbies these days? I answered with a pitiful, "I don't really have hobbies...I play flute...and go to school..." AH! Okay probably not as bad as I think. The whole thing in general went pretty well until we got topic of cars where Luke turned the conversation around to me and his dad asked me what kind of car I had-worst conversation topic EVER! My car is so not as good as it sounds-so I had to tell him and he got a major "Luke's girlfriend is rich" impression and made a big deal about it. I'm sure I was bright red the whole time. Oh well. It could've gone worse right? At least I can say I've done the 'meet the parent' thing. It's a life experience right?


  1. AH I was wondering how this went, I almost forgot it was this week. Glad it went semi-well. Those types of things always end up a LITTLE awkward. Did you give luke an earful for leaving you alone?! ;) haha. jk. You should have asked his dad what his hobbies were...that would have been hilarious. :) I'm sure he thinks you are absolutely charming. No worries m'dear.

  2. like ash, i too was wondering how this all went down- and now i know! so awesome=) i can't believe he left you alone- how rude! laughing at your hobbies. who does have hobbies anymore, you're totally right. you shoulda just been like um, well i like to build model airplanes, and sometimes i paint action figures... hahhaa... thats what i think of when i think hobbies! ugh i hate false impressions, but thats what you get for driving a beemer hunny buns=) just kidding! love you
