Friday, August 12, 2011

Some 2 year old time!

I have been watching Kai this whole week. It's definitely been harder than it has before. Two + potty training is sooo hard! Luckily my mom came back on Wednesday so it got easier. Here are some momentitos:

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cinnamon Roll Pancakes

Ok for real?? These look amazing! Check out the link:

Camping & Waterfalls

Luke got me out of the tent so we could come up to the top of the waterfall
Ignore the sickly look

My first back-in-the-U.S. post! preeetty excited about it. If I wasn't lazy I would just start a new blog buuut I don't feel like it. Anyway, I've had an amazing few weeks back. I am so incredibly happy to be back with my friends and family I can't even stand it sometimes!

So Luke and I went camping this weekend with his BFF Henry and his wife Sunnie. We left Friday and it took seriously like 5 hours to find a good camping spot. We couldn't find a place that didn't cost a million dollars to stay for two nights. When did camping get expensive?? It's crazy! Anyway so we eventually ended up finding this AMAZING campsite up past Leavenworth that was beautiful! It was right next to a waterfall and had a super good view and it was totally worth the 5 hour search. Also it was free.

So Friday night I was super tired so I went to lay down for a little before dinner and when I got up I felt really sick. I ended up throwing up several times and I kept waking up that night feeling soo sick. It was horrible. So then the next morning I woke up feeling better and got up and around and then before we even had breakfast started feeling sick again. I had to lay down. This went on allll day. I would lay down for an hour or so, start feeling better, get up and around, and then start feeling really nauseous and have to lay down again. It was ridiculous. I ended up spending basically all day in the tent. I started feeling better (for reals) that night though and was able to get up and eat dinner and roast some marshmallows (the best part of camping) and eat them...without throwing up. And then the next day we left. Not the best camping trip...but I survived.

Either way I wouldn't pass up spending time with Luke whether I'm on a sickly camping trip or not. I'm just happy to be back!