Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Reta has a baby

My favorite boss in the world Reta has had her baby. Wade Orion Chapman was born at 11:20 on Thursday the 24th. He was 7 lbs 3oz 20in. I stole some pics from facebook so you could see.

Ali Rain meeting her baby brother. She's having a bit of a hard time with the whole big sister thing. She wants him ALL the time and doesn't react too well when she doesn't get him. She'll get better though, I'm sure.

Mike with his new baby boy

Look at those huge feet!

The first picture she sent all us coffee girls.
It's off to the cardiologist tomorrow to find out why my heart is working so hard. Fingers crossed that it's nothing serious. Then it's the fruitstand! While I'm not excited to work there all day Thursday and Friday I AM excited for cherries! Yum! Hopefully it'll be nice tanning weather and no wind! It's like a wind storm in Ellensburg today. It was even on the forecast and that's saying something! My hair is down and I'm wearing a dress so hopefully Wenatchee won't be windy.
Today is me and Luke's 1 year and 11 months! One more month to go until we're finally together as long as I feel like we have been (in a good way).
I think it's time for another coffee...The joys of working at a coffee stand! I'm going to miss it!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Moments from Chelan Convention

Convention was amazing and really relaxing for me. It was Kai's first convention and she did really well and looked adorable the whole time!