Tuesday, July 28, 2009

hot summer days

This summer, I have concluded, is way too hot. I really want it to be in the 80s again. It's too hot to do anything, but I do look forward to seeing my beautiful niece whenever possible. She's getting so big and she's very aware now. Kailey is crying much more now which just makes her seem more like a real baby. She's still amazing and rarely fussy. She is 6 weeks and keeps getting better as she gets older.
Luke and I went over to Jen and Robert's last weekend for dinner and while Jen and I ate outside, Robert and Luke played video games inside (Robert jumps at the chance to get any guy to play video games with him) and they got baby duty. Jen and I were really shocked to see Luke appear at the door with Kailey in his arms asking for one of us to change her diaper. Luke, who has only held her once because he was tricked into it, had been trading off with Robert between holding, feeding, and burping her. Apparently he took better direction from Robert who in Luke's words "couldn't take care of the baby while he was in the middle of a serious game." I was so proud of Luke. It made me love him that much more. Last week I had my appointment at the dermatologist (finally!) and they ended up taking 3 moles off. Two on my chest and one under my arm. I'm soo happy to have them off. I had to get stitches for the ones on my chest, 3 on one and 2 on the other and I'll get them off on Thursday which I'm very happy about considering I've developed an allergy to band aids and have to go around with them uncovered all the time.
A few months ago I discovered this awesome recipe online that put a spin on olives and cream cheese, if you've ever had that. It's one of Jen's favorite things to eat so when my mom's cousins came for dinner last week we made them. They're penguins! Super easy to make but a little time consuming. Still it was fun and they're really cute. All it takes is olives, cream cheese, carrots and toothpicks!

That's my update so far this summer. I want to dedicate this post to Anna, who inspired me to write it. Love ya!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Getting to know you...

I haven't posted in awhile because my life has been pretty repetitive but I thought this would be fun..

1. What time did you get up this morning? 7:45
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
3. What was the last film you saw? waterworld? It was on TV and I've wanted to watch it ever since I saw it performed live at Universal Studios in CA.
4. What is your favorite TV show? So You Think You Can Dance or the Ellen DeGeneres show.
5. What did you have for breakfast today? Coffee! and a donut..I had a relapse in my healthy breakfast eating.
6. What is your middle name? Rose
7. What is your favorite cuisine? Um...like japanese type stuff...teryaki, sushi...
8. What foods do you dislike? tomatos, squash..
9. What is your favorite chip flavor? Sour cream and cheddar? Puffy cheetos? it's a toss up.
10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Taylor Swift's Fearless
11. What kind of car do you drive? BMW 318ti
12. Favorite sandwich? turkey on plain bagel with provolone and avocado from bison bagels.
13. What characteristics do you not like? Um...over confident people, people who aren't confident enough, especially guys. There's a happy medium.
14. Favorite item of clothing? jeans and jackets/sweatshirts definitely
15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go? No where right now it's too hot! but going back to Europe would be nice. Italy, Spain, France?
16. What color is your bathroom? Red
17. What color is your bedroom? um...the walls are blue..I don't know if there's a specific color scheme.
18. Favorite brand of clothing? I like Old Navy a lot..and Silver brand jeans are my fav
19. Where would you retire to? Depends on where my family is.
20. Favorite time of day? Depends. Morning if I work, Night if I hang out with friends.
21. What was your most memorable birthday? Ha I liked the triple birthday celebration last year with Anna, Ash and I.
22. Where were you born? Wenatchee, Wa
23. Favorite sport to watch? Dancing?
24. How many songs are on your iPod? It's like...3049..Something one off of a nice even number
25. How many times have you been out of the USA? I'm going to say 4?
26. What is your favorite breakfast? Coffee and a bagel probably. Although I do love bacon.
27. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi

28. Are you a morning person or night owl? Night owl
29. What is your shoe size? 9
30. Do you have any pets? dogs, cat, horses and a fish until it died Monday
31. What is your standard coffee order? Single iced vanilla (or white chocolate if I'm at dutch bros) latte.
32. Your favorite type of book to read? I go by authors..Usually some kind of love book.
33. If you could only talk to one person for an entire month, who would it be? Luke. But there better be a mighty lot of talking

34. Which would you give up for an entire month - your phone or the internet? internet definitely.
35. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Um...I like peppermint..or vanilla..or cookie dough
36. Favorite vacation? Hawaii with Ash and my Family

37. Longest time at any job? 4 years off and on at my dad's office
38. Last person you went out to eat with? I went with Mom Luke Robert Jen and Baby

39. Last person you texted? Luke
40. Last person who called you? Lyle apparently...But the last person I talked to was Gram